Dog Hair Remover
Dog Hair Remover
Cover of WEIRD LOVE #11 comic book

Awesome cover art by Ogden Whitney; interior art by Matt Baker, and more; scripts by Richard Hughes, Ruth Roche, and more.

The cover story alone, "Jailbird’s Romance," would cost you a couple of grand on the collector’s market! It’s drawn by the demented duo that gave you Herbie Popknecker: Ogden Whitney and Richard Hughes.

More!:… The bizarro “It’s Like Love, Pussycat!” with a sleazy jive-talking Lothario. Read  “Pick-up,” a lady of the evening in a bar and a drunk find true love. In “Savage Kisses,” a knife-wielding, half-naked, Matt Baker-drawn island girl fights Nazis and wins the heart of an American soldier.

In “Prayer,” they’re newlyweds, she’s from Central Europe, and has the ignorance to put spices in his American food! Only God can save this marriage! In “The Girl Next Door,” a filthy little slut sheds her clothes to seduce the married neighbor. It gets worse in the most sordid comic story we’ve ever printed!


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